About the New Metaphor Publications 2.0
This about the New Metaphor Publications page is now at version 2.0, which is a good description of the state of the company. It contains a short description of who we now are,what we are now doing, and how you can contact us.
About Metaphor Publications
Metaphor Publications is a micro-press publisher of high quality RPG fantasy fiction and art, and now, cross stitch designs. Originally, it's two principle authors were:
Alesia Matson: Author, needlework enthusiast, aspiring Buddha, RPGer, gardener, tech-geeky, herbalist, and pirate, she’s been married to Michael, her co-author, for 30 years. They have two grown sons, a goofy dogs, and one eccentric cat. Today, she writes for her own entertainment. But most of her time is spent producing Cross Stitch designs for MetPub's Grimalkin Crossing imprint. You can contact, view, and buy her designs here.
Michael Matson wrote his first book at age 12. A 24-page masterpiece hand typed onto letter paper folded in half with a construction paper cover—hand illustrated, of course—the tome was nonetheless a bestseller in the family. Since then, he’s been an airman; a commercial fisherman, the third generation to go to sea in his family; a lobbyist; truck driver; counselor and minister; and general contractor, all life experiences that, in one way or another make their way into his art and writing. Now, having (mostly) retired from his construction firm, he's working almost exclusively on building out the World of Menelon, his art, and an illustrated novel.
Need Commission Work?
If you'd like to commission a specific work of art from Michael, get in touch.
In addition, Metaphor Publications is privileged to have the following excellent professionals involved in the companies:
Marketing: =VACANT=
Legal counsel/Agent: Paul S. Levine. Specializing in entertainment law, Paul S. Levine has served the entertainment industry for over thirty years. Levine provides a wide range of entertainment industry legal services, including transactions (contract negotiating and drafting) and litigation, as well as being one of California’s few literary attorneys. He has a keen understanding of industry strategy and has the editorial contacts required to ensure his success as both a literary agent and entertainment law attorney, and is thus able to offer his clients a comprehensive range of publishing or literary attorney services. You can find Paul S. Levine at www.paulslevine.com.