For Your Weekend: Is Writer’s Block Real?
It seems most writers go through periods where the words just won't come, no matter what we do. Some writers call this dull, dark time "writer's block," but others writers -- more than you might suspect -- think writer's block is little more than a myth, something writers invent to excuse everything from laziness to depression. Yet others see the "long, dark quiet" as part of the writing process itself, a needed "in breath" to recharge the senses and the soul before the next work is begun.
In this roundup of quotes from 25 traditionally published authors, LitHub shares with us a smorgasbord of opinions about what writer's block is, and what it isn't, as well as some ideas about how to kick it, or at least, how to endure it until the word flow resumes.
Are you a writer? Have you experienced writer's block? Is it something you think all writers have to endure? Why? What are some of your favorite tips or tricks to kick down the walls that get between you and your muse?