Fernwall’s Great War

The Great War dramatically changed almost everything and everyone on Menelon. That is no secret. What is not generally known is what those changes were, and how they affected each culture. The war spanned three continents and an unknown number of islands. For a rare few, the major impact of the war was the presence of a military port or […]

The Price of Everything

One of the things that used to drive me crazy was finding, or figuring out, believable prices for stuff. If you're a scifi/fantasy author, gamer, or game designer, you can probably sympathize. Historical price lists are hard to find, and when you do find one, its either based in the wrong historical period or culture, or it just doesn't have the item. […]

New Spotify Playlist feat. 48 Hours of Joseph Campbell’s Lectures – for Free [link]

PSA: Sapiosexual Boner Alert Storytellers in all media recognize the value of myth in their work, and to date, it would be difficult to find anyone who had done more work with mythology than the late Joseph Campbell. If you’ve been exposed to The Power of Myth series with Bill Moyers, you’ll already be aquiver with the delights that are […]